This section is frequently updated with the latest videos from the PSF community. It includes meetings, how-to videos, and more.
Are you just starting your crypto journey? The videos in this category will show you the basics around creating and using a Bitcoin Cash wallet.
The PSF is consortium of JavaScript developers and entreprenures. This section contains information for novice JavaScript developers. It helps you get started with simple programming knowledge, to supercharge the control you have over your money and communication.
Op-Sec (Operational Security) are best practices for protecting your privacy and mitigating online threats.
This section contains advanced videos, to help full stack developers set up their own self-sufficient infrastructure, and how to donate that infrastructure to the community in order to claim bounties of PSF tokens.
The PSF has its own `culture` when it comes to JavaScript development. We follow test-driven development (TDD) best practices, as well as the Clean Architecture design pattern. These videos go into detail about our dev culture.